Financial Planning is a Habit Building Exercise. Once you are Habitual to Discipline and Follow the Process, the Great Financial Life will Follow

- Manikaran Singal

100+ Families Trust us with their Financial & Life Goals

Yes, Its not only about making Investments, its about achieving Goals

Our Services

Know Your


Knowing you Planner gives you confidence and understanding on his experience and knowledge, before you let the professional Manage your Hard Earned Money for your Desires and Aspirations. Here is a Brief about us..

Our Services

Live RICH - Grow Money

A Completely Online, Customized and Personalized Financial planning Service. A Professional hand holding will always be along with you. This service is With Complete Implementation, Monitoring and Ongoing Support.

Plan RICH - Save Money

This is a Financial Plan only Service, for DIY Investors. You will get the Detailed Customized Financial plan document and Investment advise. Without the Implementation Support and Ongoing Advice. 

Why You Need Financial Planning?

Because Life is Uncertain

Nothing is Sure in today's time. Income, Job, Health...Future always looks uncertain. What is certain is the coming Responsibilities and Old age. When you understand this, then its not difficult to accept that You have to Plan Live better. Planning gives you confidence and courage to work towards the future

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financial planner in delhi

Powerful way to SAVE WELL & INVEST SMART

It helps you look at your life holistically and make you invest in RIGHT Products, which suits your RISK PROFILE, considering your Long and Short term GOALS. So adequate money is available at the RIGHT TIME.  

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Proven technique to Organize Money Matters

Be it your Taxes, Insurance, Investments, Estate matters....all are interlinked and needs your equal attention. With a Proper structure at place you would be able to manage all of them well. So Peace of Mind is Guaranteed

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financial planner in delhi

“Financial Planning puts Your Money in a Structure, So you can FOCUS on other Important things in Your Life”


your money management will be put into a structured process.

 Your Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, Insurances, Investments, Loans etc. Will be analysed and

Detailed Financial Plan be Prepared for you with action points on how to achieve your Financial Goals

I am very confident about My Financial Health

After having worked with over the last few years setting my finances in order, I am today, very confident about my financial health and the plan with which we had set out has started bearing fruit. He has taken care of my investments as if they were his own and I am glad that I engaged with a thorough professional like him.

Shreejit Nair, GM (North), HCL Technologies, Noida

Financial Planning Simplified

Great Financial Life starts with Good Money habits. Financial Planning makes your Life Simple, Disciplined and Goal Oriented

Premium Services ... ZERO Worries...

Its but natural to be apprehensive to get into a Paid SERVICE, where you don't know the exact outcome. So, let me take away the risk from you, and assure you that during the complete process, where ever you feel that you are not finding the same useful or not as what you had expected...we will refund you the 100% payment. No Questions Asked. 

My Financial Life is now Simple & Growth oriented

One major thing I learned after working with Manikaran is that, you save so much of time which you otherwise would have spent worrying about your investments, its returns, your goals or searching for better products, reading financial books, following Money control or CNBC and other media channels. With a financial planner by your side, you enjoy your time and give your time to the other important areas in your life.

Dr. Sachin Gupta, New Delhi

Your Money Management Needs Your Attention

We will UN-complicate your Financial Life, by advising you on selecting less, but good and ideal investments.

More than Investment, Good Money management is about your Financial Wellness. 

Your Money should Give you Good Life.

"Financial Planning gives you clarity, provides direction to your Goals & meaning to your Financial Decisions. It makes you disciplined towards your Money & Life."

financial Planning process

  • GET
  • SET
  • GO

This is the stage when we get to know each other. You may ask us your questions and we would like you to share your financials with us in a structured Pre-Defined format, answer the Risk Profiler questionnaire...for us to ask the relevant questions.

frequently asked questions

Why there is a need for Financial Planning?

How would the Financial Planning Process Work?

How Regular is this exercise? Onetime, Bi Annually or Annually?

What areas of Personal finances will the Financial plan Cover?

Will you help in the Implementation of the Plan too? Can I do it myself?

How do you Serve the clients? Can we do it online?

Why to Pay FEE, when we are getting Financial Planning for FREE?

How are you Different from Other Advisers?

What Guarantee you give on the Investment Returns?

What Kind of Client Profiles you have Served till now?

Who will do my Financial Planning ? You or Your Team?

I am more comfortable with Personal Meetings, Will you help?

Let's have a No Strings attached FREE Discussion on your requirements and explain how You will get benefit from our Services . Schedule your appointment with us by filling up the details below. 

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