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Tag: asset allocation

How Setting Goals Can Transform Your Life: A Must-Read

In the realm of financial planning, one principle stands out above the rest: the necessity of setting goals. Goals give direction and purpose to...

Annual Health Checkup of Finances

To keep up with your Physical health, it is advisable to get your Health Checkup and blood work done on an annual basis. Same...

5 step approach to do your Investment Portfolio Review in 2024

Seeing the Past years’ Average and Absolute performance, one of the blog readers emailed me his investment portfolio to review and asked about the...

21 Good Money Habits for a Great Financial Life

I always feel that Financial Planning is not only a Goal Focused but a Habit Building Exercise. Though results are not in anyone's hand,...

Stock Market in India is on the Verge of Crash. What...

The title of this article has been taken from another article shared with me by one of my close friends asking what to do. The...

How prepared are you for Stock market fall?

Published on June 17' 2015 Just asking, I know you don’t want to see a fall and have invested or been sold with a view...

Dynamic Asset allocation in Mutual funds – Investment for all

Those who are following this blog for a while now and understand the importance of a process in investments, surely appreciate the Asset Allocation...

How to decide an ideal Asset Allocation mix?

I use the Term Asset Allocation in many of my articles specifically those which are related to Investments. One of my blog readers Parul asked...

Hybrid funds – For a balanced Asset Allocation

Hybrid funds as the name suggests are those mutual funds which invest in more than one asset class and thus provide a balance between...